Posted: July 14th, 2017 ˑ
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Filled under: Chicago
Many of us are affected by the current financial situation, and for some of us, the first time we’ve had to think about making ends meet.
The Streets Of Sadness effort attempts to shed light on those who’ve had it bad for a long time. These signs tell a heartbreaking story of each individual’s life, all encapsulated into a cheap little cardboard message.
Traveling around our country, I see so many of these signs that appear virtually identical in both the content and physical appearance it made me wonder, are these mass-produced in China somewhere and distributed in the US? It is as if there were a clear specification for the lettering style, the type and condition of the cardboard, and the message. It will be interesting to see what variety you recover in this project. Good luck. JP
Traveling around our country, I see so many of these signs that appear virtually identical in both the content and physical appearance it made me wonder, are these mass-produced in China somewhere and distributed in the US? It is as if there were a clear specification for the lettering style, the type and condition of the cardboard, and the message. It will be interesting to see what variety you recover in this project. Good luck. JP